The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 517: Maribelle C

ONE and TWO and THREE... One fore pirouette aaaaaand... Hold for applause! Yay, Olivia! Woooo! Standing ovation! Olivia's the best! Marry me, Olivia!

You dance rather well.

Eeeek! Maribelle! How long have you been standing there?!

From the beginning, darling. I didn't mean to spy, but you dance was so wonderful! I just couldn't bring myself to interrupt.

Oh, er, gosh. Thanks. I mean, I'm still working on the rough bits, so... Oh, gods, this is SO embarrassing.

Ha! Save the false modesty for your social betters, my dear. A working-class girl like you needs confidence above all else.

Er, right... Okay. Thanks, I think?

Good heavens. Are all lowborn folk this skeptical? How can you be so bold one minute and such a quivering mess the next?

Wh-what do you mean?

When you dance, you're so...daring! You stand tall and proud, completely unafraid to meet the watcher's eye. You exhibit great strength and dignity.

Oh...b-b-but... Argh, stop it! This is so embarrassing!

: And yet when you stop, you become this jabbering, bashful mess of insecurities. I want to see more of Olivia the Bold and less of Olivia the Mouse! Got it?!

Oh, er. Yes, I'm sure you're right... I guess. But-

Ugh. Very well. If you won't do it yourself, I'll just have to aid you. You'll grow a backbone if I have to drag you there kicking and screaming!


Pluck! Grit! Dignity! Resolve! Pick any noun you like! Hmm... I'll have to think about the best way to whip you into shape.

This may take a bit. I'll let you know when the first lesson is ready.

I don't like the sound of this...